Highlighted by Jan Jensen

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Three of the six compounds were found to be active(<1 μM) or moderately active (1–2.5 μM) in in vitro growth assays with asexual blood-stage P. falciparum (3D7) parasites, representing a hit rate of 50% on a small sample size. Up to this point a total of 398 compounds had been made and evaluated for in vitro activity in OSM Series 4, with the design of these compounds driven entirely by the intuition of medicinal chemists. By setting a potency cut-off of 2.5 μM (the upper limit of reasonable activity), the tally of active compounds discovered in this series stands at 165, representing a comparable human intuition-derived hit rate of 41% on a larger sample size.
Highlighted by Jan Jensen
"[Champs] received 47,800 ML model predictions from 2,700 teams in 84 countries. Within 3 weeks, the Kaggle community produced models with comparable accuracy to our best previously published ‘in-house’ efforts. A meta-ensemblemodel constructed as a linear combination of the top predictions has a prediction accuracy which exceeds that of any individual model, 7-19x better than our previous state-of-the-art."